Tuesday, November 10, 2015

club coin

What is ClubCoin?

ClubCoin is a peer-to-peer digital currency that has a decentralized and consensus based system where all transactions are viewed in a public ledger. Which means nobody has control and everything is completely transparent to everyone on the network.

This type of distributed network allows the coin to function without having to trust anyone. The concept of all digital currency is taking the control out of a central authority and putting it where it belongs... In the hands of the people!

With ClubCoin you can transfer money between accounts with ease. You can send any amount to any other person and they will receive it fast and be able to spend it once the transaction is confirmed by the network

Digital currency will only work if there is a distributed network for it to run on. This requires users to adopt the coin and want to use it. You also need merchants who will accept the coin as a form of payment, and finally you need developers who will create tools, API's and help bridge the gap to make it easy and practical to use.
Anybody can start using ClubCoin to transfer money to friends, family, or to pay for goods and services. ClubCoin gives you complete control over your money because YOU are the only one who can transfer it from your wallet to another wallet. Without your private key nobody can touch your ClubCoin , which makes it very safe and secure. You can also stake your and earn 1% interest for helping support the network.

Any business in the world can start accepting ClubCoin for their goods and services. ClubCoin gives merchants more options and felxibility to accept payments from all over the world. ClubCoin is safe, cheap, and easy to use with no charge backs, low fraud and no compliance hoops or banks to deal with. We are also launching a complete plug and play merchant platform that will make ClubCoin even easier to accept.
Calling all Developers! ClubCoin is open source and we are looking for more developers to contribute to our platform. We are building API's that will help with exchanges, wallets, and anything else making the coin easier to use. ClubCoin is ideal for micro payments. With the strength of BitClub Network we believe this coin will be adopted very easily and the ecosystem will be thriving. We would love to have you part of it!


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